News Feed Indorama will not be responsible for applications submitted on any website other than its official website at Indorama does not charge any fees for the submission of job applications. | The Indorama Granular Urea price applicable to Agro dealers & PFI Blenders registered with the Indorama and Farm Input Support Service ( FISS ) department of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security ( FMAFS ), effective from 28th January 2025 shall be NGN 32,500 per 50 Kg bag Ex-plant (650,000 N/ MT) . The Neem Coated Urea price applicable with effect from 28th January 2025 shall be NGN 33,250 per 50 Kg bag Ex-plant (665,000 N/MT). The company reserves the right to unilaterally cancel any sales order, or DOs with immediate effect, and blacklist the Agro dealer if Urea sold to any of the registered ago-dealers moves out of the country. Agro Dealers shall not distribute, sell, or aid in the movement of Indorama Urea outside of their own Territory as mentioned in the movement approval from the Office of the National Security Advisor ( ONSA ). Urea supplied to PFI Blenders in white bag as raw material should be strictly used for NPK blending not for direct sales in the open market. | The Indorama Granular Urea price applicable to Registered Agro dealers for the month of August ,2022 effective from 1st August is NGN 18,000 per 50 Kg bag Ex-plant (360,000 NGN / MT ) for sales inside Nigeria. The company reserves the right to unilaterally cancel any sales order, DOs with immediate effect, and blacklist the agro dealer if Urea sold to any of the registered ago-dealers moves out of the country. Agro Dealers shall not distribute, sell, or aid in the movement of Indorama Urea outside of their own Territory as mentioned in the movement approval from the National Security Advisor ( NSA ) Indorama Powers Nigeria's Petrochemicals, Fertilizer     Nigeria: Presidential Fertilizer Committee Commends Indorama for Keying into Plan to Supply NPK at Cheaper Price to Farmers Nationwide    

Agronomy Services

At Indorama Agronomic Services, we make vegetation and plants grow, with fertilizer and high efficiency plant nutrients technology supported by science. By examining and understanding the science that affects crops, we create technologies which can optimize our customers/farmers’ fertilizer investments and provide one-stop crop management information resource tor the farmers.

Agronomic Services provides detailed content on crops, best crop management techniques, fertilizers & pesticides and a host of other agriculture related material to boost crop productivity.

Generic information enriches farmers with common topics on agriculture like Soils, Seeds, Nutrients, Fertilizers, and best management practices for optimum crop production and profits.

Our team of expert Agronomists, who closely work with universities and government researchers, are committed to developing and delivering agronomic services that our customers can trust. They also help in problem solving mechanisms in the farmers’ own situations, based on the fact that many farmers have limited agronomic information, on knowledge on the management of crop, use of quality seeds, pest & fertilizers management, water, soil and help implementing agricultural advancements.

This section provides detailed and exhaustive information about the crop that one has selected. Depending on the nature of the information required such as Fertilizer Management, Insect and disease Management, Harvesting and Storage, Land Preparation, Water Management and many others.

The 'Crop Management' section of each crop provides information on a whole range of topics concerning that crop, like: Fertilizer disease, Insect & pest Management harvesting and storage, land preparation, water management and many others.

Nutrient deficiency chart help in Diagnostics and solutions for various problems of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer management.

Indorama and sustainable agriculture development: Arewa24 Documentary